Sometimes young high achievers are promoted into senior leadership positions before they have had a chance to properly equip themselves with the necessary skills and behaviours to be effective at senior level. They are often left to sink or swim by their own initiative and wits. Those that struggle on and eventually swim can make many costly mistakes on the way. Those that sink often end up taking the whole company or department they lead down with them.
These young managers can fail disastrously due to a number of factors;

- Clinging on to the tasks of their old job
- Failing to understand their staff and what motivates them
- An inability to delegate properly
- Poor relationship and social skills
- Cross cultural insensitivity
- Lack of leadership confidence
- Lack of assertiveness
- Aggressive behaviour
- Problems in leading older people
- Feeling overwhelmed coupled with poor time management
- Incorrect prioritisation of leadership tasks
Dennis Heath Leadership Coaching’s fast track coaching programme makes sure that the new senior manager’s success is not left to fate alone. The programme starts with self-awareness based on direct feedback from the Coach along with an MBTI assessment. Over the subsequent three month period the young manager receives six face to face coaching sessions. The process provides the new leader with skills and behaviours that give him or her the confidence to lead and manage themselves, as well as their subordinates.
The head start that expert coaching provides is invaluable in helping to make this important first step into senior management an exciting and rewarding experience, instead of a stressful and daunting one for the individual and a costly one for the company.
For more details of the Young Executive Fast Track Coaching programme:
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